51 98591.5078 - 51 98597.1094 jeanzoli@hotmail.com

How to Choose a Data Room Service Provider

In a time where companies are required to quickly gather and review massive quantities of data to make critical business decisions like M&A deals or tendering, getting all the facts requires the search through tens of thousand of documents. This is where a...

The Most Secure Way to Transfer Files

In a world of cyber-attacks that are more sophisticated than ever before, it is important to know how to transfer files with security. When you’re sharing private notes with family members, or working on creative projects at work secure file sharing guarantees...

Secure and Safe Software

Secure and Safe Software Security and safety refers to protecting against cyberattacks by malicious players who seek to steal sensitive information or disrupt operations, as well as safeguarding information and solutions against accidental loss and improper handling....

How to Choose Data Room Providers

Data room providers allow companies to store and share sensitive information. They also provide other options like secure messaging, task-management and Q&A modules. Virtual data rooms provide an increased level of security than generic file sharing services and...

Selecting a Virtual Data Room Provider

Virtual data rooms are an excellent tool for many business projects. This is particularly true when multiple team members require collaboration on documents. If you’re in the process of negotiating an M&A deal, making plans for a building project or...

Virtual Transaction Rooms

A virtual transaction room (VTR) is an online secure space that allows firms to safely transfer files in order to facilitate transactions. This software simplifies the due diligence process while reducing costs, and allowing for quicker completion of transactions. It...
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